Research activity in actual and former projects

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Research Projects

AC3 B07 (AC)3 B07 Phase-II, Arctic Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and Surface Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms.Sub-project Cluster B07: Investigate the influence of Sea Ice leads or polynyas on the macro- and micro-physics properties of clouds in the Arctic with remote sensing. As part of the DFG Transregional Collaborative Research Centre TR172 (AC)3 projec. [AC3 website]

Past Projects

OBLO OBLO, Off-shore Boundary Layer Observatory: Studying and measuring Turbulence at the atmosphere marine boundary layer using modeling, remote sensing and in-situ techniques. Part of the “Bergen Off-shore Wind Center”. [OBLO website]

for2131 show FOR2131, Sub-Project P2: Scale-Problem in Assimilation of Passive Microwave Observations into Coupled Models. My main work is to generate virtual satellite observations alike the measurements performed by the ESA SMOS and the NASA SMAP satellites. Both satellites carry on board passive Microwave radiometers, and their measurements are mainly used to retrieve land surface properties like soil moisture. [for2131 website]

gpm/gv show GPM/GV, Global Precipitation Measurement: Ground Validation for satellite precipitation measurements and retrievals by the NASA GPM satellite. Validation is mainly pursued by the University of Bonn X-band polarimetric radar (BoXPol). Currently I am co-supervising Velibort Pejcic in his Ph.D. work at the Meteorological Institute University of Bonn. [BonnGV]

admirari show ADMIRARI, ADvanced MIcrowave RAdiometer for Rain Identification: The radiometer ADMIRARI is a passive microwave dual-polarization triple-frequency radiometer and was developed for ground-based observation of the precipitation atmosphere. My responsibilities in this project ranged from instrument curator, technical development, measurements and mainly the development of a retrieval technique to estimate simultaneously the cloud and rain liquid water content in precipitating atmosphere. [ADMIRARI website]


Participation in Field Experiments


Research Proposals

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