Saavedra Garfias, P., and H. Kalesse-Los: Observed modulation of Arctic mixed-phase cloud properties by sea ice conditions and their long-term climatological trends, Atmos. Chem. Phys., NOTE: Manuscript being reviewed, 2024.
Foth, A., Lochmann, M., Saavedra Garfias, P., Kalesse-Los, H. : Determination of low-level temperature profiles from microwave radiometer observations during rain, Atomos. Meas. Tech., DOI: 10.5194/amt-17-7169-2024, 2024.
Xie X., Xiao, X., He, J., Saavedra Garfias, P., Li, T., Yu, X., Gu, S., Guo, Y.: In situ observations of rain rate and precipitation microphysics over the coastal area of South China: Perspectives for satellite validation, AMS J. Hydrometeor., DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-22-0227.1, 2024.
Saavedra Garfias, P., H. Kalesse-Los, K. Ebell : Estimation of Wintertime Cloud Radiative Effects in the Western Arctic, a Function of Cloud-Moisture-Coupl ing and Sea Ice Conditions, Radiation Processes in the Atmosphere and Ocean, American Institute of Physics (AIP) Proceedings, DOI: 10.1063/5.0182751, 2024.
Saavedra Garfias, P., H. Kalesse-Los, L. von Albedyll, H. Griesche, and G. Spreen: Asymmetries in cloud microphysical properties ascribed to sea ice leads via water vapour transport in the central Arctic, Atmos. Chem. Phys., DOI:10.5194/acp-23-14521-2023, 2023.
Saavedra Garfias, P., H. Kalesse-Los:Wintertime Arctic cloud properties coupled to sea ice leads during MOSAiC expedition, Harvard Dataverse, V1, DOI:10.7910/DVN/DZSUV7, 2023.
Linke, O., Quaas, J., Baumer, F., Becker, S., Chylik, J., Dahlke, S., Ehrlich, A., Handorf, D., Jacobi, C., Kalesse-Los, H., Lelli, L., Mehrdad, S., Neggers, R. A. J., Riebold, J., Saavedra Garfias, P., Schnierstein, N., Shupe, M. D., Smith, C., Spreen, G., Verneuil, B., Vinjamuri, K. S., Vountas, M., and Wendisch, M.: Constraints on simulated past Arctic amplification and lapse rate feedback from observations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., DOI:10.5194/acp-23-9963-2023, 2023.
Schimmel, W., Kalesse-Los, H., Maahn, M., Vogl, T., Foth, A., Saavedra Garfias, P., and Seifert, P.: Identifying cloud droplets beyond lidar attenuation from vertically-pointing cloud radar observations using artificial neural networks, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, doi:10.5194/amt-15-5343-2022, 2022.
Schalge, B., Baroni, G., Haese, B., Erdal, D., Geppert, G., Saavedra, P., Haefliger, V., Vereecken, H., Attinger, S., Kunstmann, H., Cirpka, O. A., Ament, F., Kollet, S., Neuweiler, I., Hendricks Franssen, H.-J., and Simmer, C.: Presentation and discussion of the high-resolution atmosphere–land-surface–subsurface simulation dataset of the simulated Neckar catchment for the period 2007–2015, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, doi:10.5194/essd-13-4437-2021, 2021.
Cheynet, E., Flügge, M., Reuder, J., Jakobsen, J. B., Heggelund, Y., Svardal, B., Saavedra Garfias, P., Obhrai, C., Daniotti, N., Berge, J., Duscha, C., Wildmann, N., Onarheim, I. H., and Godvik, M.: The COTUR project: remote sensing of offshore turbulence for wind energy application, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 6137–6157, doi:10.5194/amt-14-6137-2021, 2021.
Pejcic V., Saavedra Garfias P., Mühlbauer K., Trömel S., and C. Simmer: Comparison between precipitation estimates of ground-based weather radar composites and GPM’s DPR rainfall product over Germany, Meteorologische Zeitschrift (METZ), 07, 2020. doi:10.1127/metz/2020/1039
Lv Sh., Schalge B., Saavedra Garfias P., and C. Simmer: Required sampling-density of ground-based soil moisture and brightness temperature observations for calibration/validation of L-band satellite observations based on a virtual reality, Journal Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS),
Schalge, Bernd; Baroni, Gabriele; Haese, Barbara; Erdal, Daniel; Geppert, Gernot; Saavedra, Pablo; Haefliger, Vincent; Vereecken, Harry; Attinger, Sabine; Kunstmann, Harald; Cirpka, Olaf A.; Ament, Felix; Kollet, Stefan; Neuweiler, Insa; Hendricks Franssen, Harrie-Jan; Simmer, Clemens (2020). Virtual catchment simulation based on the Neckar region. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ. doi:10.26050/WDCC/Neckar_VCS_v1
Saavedra P., and C. Simmer : An Octave/MATLAB Interface For Rapid Processing SMOS L1C Full Polarization Brightness Temperature, Journal of Open Research Software (JORS), 6(1) p.2., 2018,
Xie X., Evaristo R., Troemel S., Saavedra P. and C. Simmer: Radar observation of evaporation and implications for rainfall precipitation and cooling rate estimation, J. Atmos. Ocea. Tech., 2016, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0244.1.
Saavedra P., and A. Battaglia : GPM Ground Validation Advanced Microwave Radiometer Rain Identification (ADMIRARI) GCPEx, Dataset from the NASA EOSDIS Global Hydrology Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A., on-line, 2012, doi: 10.5067/GPMGV/GCPEX/ADMIRARI/DATA201.
Saavedra P., Battaglia A. and C. Simmer: Partitioning of cloud water and rain water content by ground-based observations with the Advanced Microwave Radiometer for Rain Identification (ADMIRARI) in synergy with a micro rain radar, JGR, Atmosphere, 2012, 117,D05203, doi:10.1029/2011JD016579.
Battaglia, A., P. Saavedra, C. A. Morales and C. Simmer: Understanding 3D effects in polarized observations with the ground-based ADMIRARI radiometer during the CHUVA campaign, JGR, Atmosphere , 2011, 116:D09204, 2011, doi:10.1029/2010JD015335.
Battaglia, A., P. Saavedra, T. Rose and C. Simmer: Characterization of Precipitating Clouds by Ground-Based Measurements with the Triple-Frequency Polarized Microwave Radiometer ADMIRARI, J. Appl. Met. Clim., 49(3), pp. 394-414, 2010.
Battaglia, A., P. Saavedra, T. Rose and C. Simmer: Rain observations by a multi-frequency dual polarized radiometer, IEEE Geo. Rem. Sens. Lett., 6(2), 354-358, 2009.
Saavedra Garfias, P., Bhandari A., Reuder J., Imaki M., Kotake N. and Kameyama Sh.: Comparison and investigation on the lidar-measured turbulence intensities in the measurement campaign using two independent lidars. , Vol. 41, p. 261-264, 2019. 41th Wind Energy Symposium, Tokyo, Japan. Japan Wind Energy Association. (DOI:
Saavedra P., Simmer C. and B. Schalge: Evaluation of Modeled high Resolution Virtual Brightness Temperatures Compared to Space-borne Observations for the Neckar Catchment. 2016, 14th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment (MICRORAD), Espoo,pp. 85-90, doi: 10.1109/MICRORAD.2016.7530510. (PDF)
Saavedra P., Battaglia A., Ryzhkov A. and C. Simmer: Melting Layer Attenuation as Observed by Polarimetric Radar-Radiometer Synergistic Approach. 8th European Conference on Radar Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD2014), Conf. Proc. (PDF)
Saavedra P., Battaglia A., Ryzhkov A. and C. Simmer: Synergy between polarimetric radar and radiometer ADMIRARI for estimation of precipitating parameters. 36th Conference of Radar Meteorology, American Meteorological Society (AMS), Conf. Proc. (PDF)
Saavedra P., Battaglia A., Simmer C., Vega M. and V. Chandrasekar: On the feasibility to combine observations from multi-wavelength radar and the multi-frequency radiometer ADMIRARI to retrieve precipitating clouds parameters. American Institute of Physics (AIP), Conf. Proc. 1531 pp. 260-263;doi: (PDF)
Saavedra P., Battaglia A. and C. Simmer: The contribution of the microwave radiometer ADMIRARI to the NASA GPM ground validation field experiments. American Institute of Physics (AIP), Conf. Proc. 1531 pp. 592-595; doi: (PDF)
Lautaporti S., Moisseev D., Saavedra P., Battaglia A. and V. Chandrasekar: Dual polarization radar and microwave radiometer observations of winter precipitation during LPVEx, at the European Radar Conference 2012, Toulouse-France. (PDF)
Saavedra P., Battaglia A. and C. Simmer: Partitioning of cloud and rain water content by ground-based observations with a multi-frequency microwave radiometer in synergy with a micro rain radar, at the 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling 2009, Delft-The Netherlands. (PDF)