"Long-term statistical analysis of wintertime cloud thermodynamic phase and micro-physical properties in relation to sea ice condition at NSA Utqiaǵvik site". American Geophysical Union 2023, 11-15 December 2023, San Francisco, USA. Presentation DOI:ESSopenarchive
"Variations of cloud properties ascribed by sea ice states in the Central and Western Arctic". XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2023, 12-19 July 2023, Berlin, Germany. Abstract DOI:10.57757/IUGG23-3160, Presentation DOI:10.22541/essoar.169008271.12504472/v1
"Climatology of clouds containing supercooled liquid in the Western and Central Arctic". American Geophysical Union 2021, 13-17 December 2021, New Orleans, USA. DOI10.1002/essoar.10509918.1
"Estimation of Melting Layer Multi-Wavelength Attenuation by Data Fusion of Passive and Active Sensors". International Radiation Symposium 2016, 16-22 April 2016, Auckland, New Zealand.
"Statistical Overview of Virtual SMOS Observations for the Neckar Catchment". Data Assimilation Workshop 2015, 28-29 September 2015, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
"Melting layer attenuation as observed by polarimetric radar-radiometer synergistic approach".8th European Radar Conference 2014, 1-5 September 2014, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
"On the feasibility to combine observations from multi-wavelength radar and the multi-frequency radiometer ADMIRARI to retrieve precipitating clouds parameters". International Radiation Symposium 2012, 4-7 September 2012, Berlin, Germany.
(*) "ADMIRARI activities at the GPM/GV LPVEx and GCPEx campaigns". NASA GPM Ground Validation Meeting, 10-12 July 2012, Toronto, Canada. (hold by C.Simmer)
(*) "On the feasibility to partition LWP in its cloud and rain components by ADMIRARI at different precipitation regimes: from Tropics to High latitudes". NASA Precipitation Measurement Mission, Science Team Meeting, 7-11 November 2011, Denver CO., USA.
(*) "Overview on the results by ADMIRARI during LPVEx and the exptended winter Observational Period. Light Precipitation and Verification Experiment". GPM/GV LPVEx Data Workshop, 13-14 October 2011, Helsinki, Finland.
"Light Precipitation Observations at High Latitudes by the radiometer ADMIRARI during the Finnish LPVEx campaign". European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, 4-8 April 2011, Vienna, Austria.
"Partitioning cloud and rain water content by ground-based observation with a multi-frequency microwave radiometer and micro rain radar". 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling 2009, 19-23 October 2009, Delft, The Netherlands.
"Synergy of ground-based active and passive sensors for partitioning rain and cloud content". European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, 19-24 April 2009.
American Geophysical Union 2023, 11-15 December 2023, San Francisco, USA.
Saavedra Garfias P., H. Kalesse-Los, J. Beikert, T. Seelig:
"The role of water vapor transport and sea ice leads on Arctic mixed-phase clouds during MOSAiC". DOI:10.22541/essoar.170431102.26299753/v1
4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop 2023, 11-13 September 2023, Leipzig, Germany
Saavedra Garfias P., H. Kalesse-Los, J. Beikert: Do sea ice conditions have a measurable influence on snowfall? A study based on MOSAiC wintertime observations. DOI: 10.22541/essoar.169774532.27101629/v1
American Geophysical Union 2022, 12-16 December 2022, Chicago, USA
Saavedra Garfias P., H. Kalesse-Los, L. von Albedyll, H. Griesche, G. Spreen: Cloud Macro-and Microphysical Properties as Coupled to Sea Ice Leads During the MOSAiC Expedition. DOI: 10.22541/essoar.167397335.54837214
American Geophysical Union 2022, 12-16 December 2022, Chicago, USA
Saavedra Garfias P., H. Kalesse-Los, K. Ebell: Climatology of mixed-phase clouds and their radiative effects when coupled to sea ice; study based from observations at the western Arctic. DOI: 10.22541/essoar.167457993.38674219
International Radiation Symposium 2022, 4-8 July 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece
Saavedra Garfias P., H. Kalesse-Los, K. Ebell: Estimation of cloud radiative effects from ground-based observations in the Western Arctic. Wintertime radiative effects as function of cloud-moisture-coupling and sea ice conditions. DOI:
American Geophysical Union 2021, 13-17 December 2021, New Orleans, USA
Saavedra Garfias P., H. Kalesse-Los, et alii: Classification of cloud microphysical properties as a function of sea ice concentration conditions during MOSAiC. (eLightning Link), DOI: 10.1002/essoar.10509919.1
Arctic Amplification AC3 Science Conference 2021, 25-27 November 2021, Potsdam, Germany
Saavedra Garfias P., and H. Kalesse-Los: Linking cloud properties and Cloudnet target classification to sea ice concentration conditions in the Western Arctic. (PDF)
American Geophysical Union AGU 2019, 9-13 December 2019, San Francisco, USA
Pejcic V., Saavedra Garfias P., Troemel S., Mühlbauer K., and C. Simmer: Evaluation of Germany's network radar composite rain producs with GPM near surface precipitation estimations. (Pre-print)
American Geophysical Union AGU 2019, 9-13 December 2019, San Francisco, USA
Saavedra Garfias P., and J. Reuder: Uncertainties characterization of tropospheric profile retrieval by Bayesian inversion as compared to state-of-the-art methods from ground-based microwave radiometry. (Pre-print)
European Geosciences Union EGU 2017, 23-28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria
Saavedra P., and C. Simmer: Satellite Brightness Temperatures simulator for high-resolution virtual catchment. (PDF)
IRS 2016, 16-22 April 2016, Auckland, New Zealand
Saavedra P.: Anomalous Increasing Effect on UV Radiation by Cloudiness at a High Altitude Observatory.(PDF)
MICRORAD 2016, 11-14 April 2016, Espoo, Finland
Saavedra P., Simmer C., and B. Schalge: Evaluation of Modeled High Resolution Virtual Brightness Temperatures Compared to Space-borne Observations for the Neckar Catchment.(PDF)
MICRORAD 2016, 11-14 April 2016, Espoo, Finland
Saavedra P., Battaglia A., Ryzhkov A., and C. Simmer: Estimation of Melting Layer Multi-Wavelength Attenuation by Combined Active and Passive Sensors.(PDF)
AGU Fall Meeting 2015, 14-18 December 2015, San Francisco, CA., USA
Saavedra P., Schalge B., and C. Simmer: SMAP/SMOS Brightness Temperature Virtual Observations to Study Data Assimilation Schemes.(PDF)
AMS 14th Conference on Cloud Physics 2014, 7-11 July 2014, Boston, MA., USA
Saavedra P., Battaglia A., Ryzhkov A. and C. Simmer: On the multi-frequency signature of precipitation water content as observed by passive and active sensors.
AMS 36th Conference of Radar Meteorology 2013, 16-20 September 2013, Breckenridge, CO., USA
Saavedra P., Battaglia A., Ryzhkov A. and C. Simmer: Synergy between polarimetric radar and radiometer ADMIRARI for estimation of precipitating parameters. (PDF)
9th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling 2012, 3-7 September 2012, L'Aquila, Italy
Saavedra P., M. Vega, A. Battaglia, C. Simmer and V. Chandrasekar: Toward a combined retrieval scheme from the microwave radiometer ADMIRARI and the dual-pol multi-wavelength radar D3R. (PDF)
International Radiation Symposium 2012, 6-10 August 2012, Berlin, Germany
Saavedra P., A. Battaglia and C. Simmer: The contribution of the Microwave Radiometer ADMIRARI to the NASA GPM Ground-Validation field experiments.(PDF)
NASA Global Precipitation Measurement GV Workshop 2012, 10-12 July 2012, Toronto, Canada
Saavedra P., L. Baldini, A. Battaglia, N. Roberto, A. Tokay, D. Moissev and C. Simmer: Estimation of light precipitation parameters by combining observations from C-, K-band radar and the passive radiometer ADMIRARI during the LPVEx campaign (part 2). (PDF)
European Radar Conference ERAD 2012, 23-27 June 2012, Toulouse, France
Saavedra P., L. Baldini, A. Battaglia, N. Roberto, A. Tokay, D. Moissev and C. Simmer: Estimation of light precipitation parameters by combining observations from C-, K-band radar and the passive radiometer ADMIRARI during the LPVEx campaign. (PDF)
NASA Global Precipitation Measurement/GV Workshop 2010, 21-23 June 2010, Helsinki, Finland
Saavedra P., A. Battaglia, and C. Simmer: Participation of the ADMIRARI radiometer at the GPM/GV 2010 Brazilian CHUVA campaign. (PDF)
European Geosciences Union EGU 2010, 4-7 May 2010, Vienna, Austria
Saavedra P., A. Battaglia, and C. Simmer: Participation of the ADMIRARI radiometer at the GPM/GV 2010 Brazilian CHUVA campaign. (PDF)
8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling 2009, 19-23 October 2009, Delft, The Netherlands
Czekala H., T. Rose, P. Saavedra, A. Battaglia: Discrimination of cloud and rain liquid water path by ground based polarized microwave radiometry: Methods, instruments, and results.
10th MICRORAD, 11-14 March 2008, Florence, Italy - Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment.
Battaglia A., P. Saavedra, and C. Simmer: Ground-based observations of precipitating clouds by a scanning polarimetric triple-frequency microwave radiometer. (PDF)
6th COPS Workshop, 27 - 29 February 2008, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
Battaglia A., P. Saavedra, and C. Simmer: Ground-based observations of precipitating clouds by a scanning polarimetric triple-frequency microwave radiometer. (PDF)