Contributions to Scientific literature.
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Peer Reviewed:


  • Saavedra Garfias, P., Bhandari A., Reuder J., Imaki M., Kotake N. and Kameyama Sh.: Comparison and investigation on the lidar-measured turbulence intensities in the measurement campaign using two independent lidars. , Vol. 41, p. 261-264, 2019. 41th Wind Energy Symposium, Tokyo, Japan. Japan Wind Energy Association. (DOI:

  • Saavedra P., Simmer C. and B. Schalge: Evaluation of Modeled high Resolution Virtual Brightness Temperatures Compared to Space-borne Observations for the Neckar Catchment. 2016, 14th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment (MICRORAD), Espoo,pp. 85-90, doi: 10.1109/MICRORAD.2016.7530510. (PDF)

  • Saavedra P., Battaglia A., Ryzhkov A. and C. Simmer: Melting Layer Attenuation as Observed by Polarimetric Radar-Radiometer Synergistic Approach. 8th European Conference on Radar Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD2014), Conf. Proc. (PDF)

  • Saavedra P., Battaglia A., Ryzhkov A. and C. Simmer: Synergy between polarimetric radar and radiometer ADMIRARI for estimation of precipitating parameters. 36th Conference of Radar Meteorology, American Meteorological Society (AMS), Conf. Proc. (PDF)

  • Saavedra P., Battaglia A., Simmer C., Vega M. and V. Chandrasekar: On the feasibility to combine observations from multi-wavelength radar and the multi-frequency radiometer ADMIRARI to retrieve precipitating clouds parameters. American Institute of Physics (AIP), Conf. Proc. 1531 pp. 260-263;doi: (PDF)

  • Saavedra P., Battaglia A. and C. Simmer: The contribution of the microwave radiometer ADMIRARI to the NASA GPM ground validation field experiments. American Institute of Physics (AIP), Conf. Proc. 1531 pp. 592-595; doi: (PDF)

  • Lautaporti S., Moisseev D., Saavedra P., Battaglia A. and V. Chandrasekar: Dual polarization radar and microwave radiometer observations of winter precipitation during LPVEx, at the European Radar Conference 2012, Toulouse-France. (PDF)

  • Saavedra P., Battaglia A. and C. Simmer: Partitioning of cloud and rain water content by ground-based observations with a multi-frequency microwave radiometer in synergy with a micro rain radar, at the 8th International Symposium  on Tropospheric Profiling 2009, Delft-The Netherlands. (PDF)


  • Doctoral. Title: "Retrieval of cloud and rainwater from ground-based passive microwave observations with the multi-frequency dual-polarized radiometer ADMIRARI", Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, University of Bonn, Germany. (HTML)
  • Diploma. Title: "Diseño y construcción de un instrumento de deteccion de nubosidad para el estudio de los efectos de la radiación UV", Facultad de Ciencias Puras y Naturales, Universidad Mayor de San Andres, Bolivia.

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