Pablo A. Saavedra Garfias


Former PostDoc at the Leipzig University's Remote Sensing and Arctic Climate group. My research was focused on the influence of sea-ice leads on Arctic macro- and microphysical cloud properties.

From 2018 to 2020 I was at the Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen where I was a Researcher at the Off-shore Boundary Layer Observatory (OBLO) working with inversion techniques applied to remote sensing measurements of the Atmospheric Marine Boundary Layer.

Until March 2018 I've been working at the University of Bonn, my Alma mater. There, I also obtained the Doctoral degree on Polarimetric Microwave Remote Sensing for precipitating Atmospheres. Formerly I got the degree in Physics from the University Mayor de San Andrés, Physics Department in La Paz, Bolivia.

My research interest covers:

I do assist as referee for some peer reviewed publications at the (so far) following journals: (click to show!)

Society Memberships:

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